For Sustainable Livelihood

Welcome to Karwemera United Women Association

KUWA started in 2004 under the guidance of women and gender section of the diocese of Zasese. It was started to promote human rights, sychosocial support and the economic status of the association and the community members.

Strengthen women in the association and commuity in their various roles

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Our Current Projects 2022-2023

Going Green

Funded by Lush charity pot in 2022 to promote a healthier environment for both current and future generations.

Giving Solar Light

Funded by Stichting Paulien Ntherlands . This project is meant to empower school going children to read their books.

Our Purpose

To have an empowered and enlightened society of women who are respected and capable to develop the community.

KUWA For a Sustainable Livelihood

Upcoming Events and News

Whats Happening at Karwemera United Women Association


Hepatitis B Immunization

Hepatitis B Immunization

The hepatitis B vaccine is a safe and effective vaccine…

Mushroom Farming

Mushroom Farming

Mushrooms can add a significant contribution to our agriculture sector

Malaria Prevention

Malaria Prevention

To be malaria-free, let each of us play our parts…

About KUWA

Started in 2004 to promote human rights, psycho-social support and the economic status of the association and the community members.

Contact Us

Get in touch

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